
It Is Up To You

Too often I hear people say, "Well, I would love to eat better or go to the gym, but I just don't have time. I have to take care of so and so" or "I can't pay for wellness treatment right now. I have to pay for this or that". I am sure you too have heard this or maybe you have even said this. Here is the thing that many of us look over. If we do not take care of ourselves, who is going to take care of "so and so" or pay for "this and that" once we are DIS-eased and worn out? Have you ever stopped to think about this?

The body was wonderfully created to heal itself, to function optimally throughout our lifetime; however it does require some upkeep. Would we expect our brand new car to function optimally for 10 years if we never cared for it? If we never washed it, changed the oil, or we always put the wrong kind of fuel in it? No, of course not!  We know better! Yet this is what we do to our bodies every day! Why do we just assume that pain, disease and lack of mobility are just "part of getting old"? Have we considered that maybe it is the result of a lack of care for our bodies?  

This past week, I have been reading a lot in Genesis. I am astounded at how long they lived back then. Now, I am not saying that I think we all should still be living to 900 + years old, but it did make me think. Our Creator would not create something that was meant to fail, meant to break down and be dysfunctional. He wouldn't have called his creation "good" if he had intended for it to fail. Yes, we all will die. All of our bodies will stop functioning at some point, but I think we have let this idea of "getting old" trick us into thinking that the care of our bodies isn't up to us. Maybe we have let ourselves believe that there is no relation between how we care for our bodies and how our bodies function.  It is time to stop fooling ourselves. It is time to take action.

I want to encourage you this week to change your perspective.  See your health as something you are responsible for -either for good or for bad.

It is up to you. 

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3:00pm - 6:30pm



3:00pm - 6:30pm


8:30am - 12:00pm

3:00pm - 5:00pm








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